kV Power: Empowering West Texas with Quality Work, Unmatched Safety, and Top-Notch Service Utilizing Traqspera Timesheets for Viewpoint® Spectrum®

Located in the heart of West Texas, kV Power is an electric construction and maintenance company committed to providing quality work, exceptional service, and unparalleled safety at a fair and reasonable price. With a mission to empower communities with reliable and safe power distribution solutions, kV Power is dedicated to promoting the health, safety, and wellness of its employees, customers, contractors, and communities.

4 Common Project Management Challenges Faced by Modern Construction Companies

With the shrinking workforce available to the construction industry, daily reports, safety meetings, project timelines, budgets, and people to manage doubled, tripled, etc. by the number of projects you are running at any one time—multiplied by the endless challenges faced by a modern construction company can quickly become a limiting factor to a businesses success.

Importance Of Accurate Timesheets In 2023

Timesheets are an important tool for any construction company. While their main use is to help to track employees’ time on different tasks and projects accurately, the information these timesheets collect is crucial equally for current and future projects and all stakeholders.

Digital Timesheets For Construction

Run reports on job costs, job bills, total job hours, safety hours, and employee hours. Each job follows a custom-defined workflow, allowing you to hold your staff accountable, track your assets and equipment, and know exactly where each project is, no matter where you are.

Knobelsdorff Power Services Utilizing Traqspera Timesheets for Viewpoint® Spectrum®

Traqspera is pleased to announce that we have partnered with Knobelsdorff. Since its founding, Knobelsdorff has been a leading provider of automation, electrical, engineering, renewable energy, and power services to clients across the country.

As a growing company with multiple teams working on different job sites at any time, Knobelsdorff has turned to Traqspera’s simple timesheet features seamlessly integrated with their Viewpoint® Spectrum® apps. As a Viewpoint® strategic partner, Traqspera provides premiere timesheet support for the Spectrum® and Vista® products via direct API for an error-free, real-time experience.

The Benefits Of Incorporating Sustainable Solutions In The Construction Industry

The construction industry brings many positives to today’s modern landscape. From building houses for residents to make into homes, non-residential buildings for businesses to flourish in, and industrial buildings for manufacturing a plethora of products for today’s fast-paced society, providing space for people to advance their lives and careers is always at the forefront of the modern world.

That said, as with every industry, the construction industry has its downsides.

Construction Technology Trends For 2022 Q3 & Q4

It can seem daunting to consider adding a digital project management tool or cloud-based timesheet tool to your construction company’s arsenal. Implementing industry-specific software will help monitor resources, manage schedules, maintain project timelines, etc.

Modern Construction Companies Can Not Rely On Texting & Excel

Despite living in an age where technology is part of almost every part of our day, many construction companies still use Excel to run their sites, tracking their finances and estimates to win their bids. While spreadsheets are an easy tool, they’re often pushed beyond their means – especially considering the value that data brings to a business; it is increasingly obvious these tried and trusted tools are no longer up to the task.